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Churchianity focuses you outside yourself on things that ultimately do not matter. Learn to focus on your inner spirit and your union in Christ to enjoy the inner rest and peace that are your inheritance in Him. S1 E8 (Aired 5.1.24)


S1 E1: Introductory episode. What is "churchianity?"

S1 E2: How does churchianity hold you back?

S1 E3: Abandoning the old covenant for spiritual freedom.

S1 E4: Deconstructing the indoctrination of religion.

S1 E5: Dealing with the theological and church police.

S1 E6: Transitioning from churchianity to spirituality.

S1 E7: Overcoming fear in churchianity.

S1 E8: Being a spiritual person, one with Christ.

Read the book: Breaking Free From Churchianity is an enlightening guide to rediscovering faith through the lens of God’s unconditional love and grace, untethered by the constraints of traditional denominational religion for a more direct and fulfilling relationship with the Divine.

Get your copy today!